Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Support for founders at THWS: What will come after EntrepreneurSHIP@THWS?


© Felix Liedel

Hannah Schweser

Dr. Felix Liedel



Audio file of the German podcast episode titled "Support for founders at THWS: What will come after EntrepreneurSHIP@THWS?"

From 2019 through 2024, EntrepreneurSHIP@THWS increased the awareness for self-employment. They supported founder’s first steps through workshops and teaching formats, and they connected the founding ecosystem in Main Franconia. But in mid-2024, the funded offer ended. In his conversation with Hannah Schweser, student of Trade Journalism, Dr. Felix Liedel from the EntrepreneurSHIP-project took stock on the nearly five years of EntrepreneurSHIP@THWS and shared the future of support for founders at THWS.

Download the transcript of the #THWSPodcast as PDF

Link to the article


Published on 30 August 2024