Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

THWS climate-neutral: The contribution of the REKLINEU project


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Sophie Krotter

Professor Dr. Normen Langner and David Voellner



German audio file of the podcast episode titled "THWS climate-neutral: The contribution of the REKLINEU project"

Climate-neutrality is a major topic these days – from daily used products to the Bavarian State Government, that wants to become climate-neutral by 2028. Higher education institutions are supposed to take the lead in this. In the cooperative project REKLINEU, THWS is researching regional ways for becoming a climate-neutral higher education institution. Trade Journalism student Sophia Krotter discussed with the project members Professor Dr. Normen Langner and master’s student David Voellner how to measure the CO2 footprint of a higher education institution and what areas cause the highest number of emissions.

Download the transcript of the #THWSPodcast as PDF

Link to the article


Published on 18 June 2024