Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

New bachelor's degree programme: Sustainable Energy Systems


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Sarah Steinberger

Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Zink and Florian Sauer



Audio file of the podcast episode titled "New bachelor's degree programme: Sustainable Energy Systems"

A reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy supply is a pressing problem. This makes it all the more important to provide engineers with a comprehensive education that not only includes technical knowledge but also expertise in economics, law and the natural sciences. This is where the new bachelor's degree programme Sustainable Energy Systems at THWS comes in. It started for the first time in the winter semester 2023/24 with 16 students. How the degree programme came about, what sets it apart and what contents are taught: Trade Journalism student Sarah Steinberger talked to programme director Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus Zink and student Florian Sauer.

Download the transcript of the #THWSPodcast as PDF

Link to the article


Published on 15 July 2024