Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Why the world needs more female founders: female entrepreneurship at THWS


© Photomontage THWS/Tobias Hestner, photos Madlen Kehr

Meike Schulig

Ulrike Machalett Gehring, Linda Klatt,
Sophie Hofmann, and Lena Ulsamer



Audiodatei der Podcastfolge mit dem Titel "Female Entrepreneurship an der THWS"

THWS shares in the efforts of a new funding programme of the German federal government that supporting prospective female founders in realising their ideas. In an interesting interview, THWS student Meike Schulig talked to entrepreneurial advisor Ulrike Machalett-Gehring about why it is so essential to support women in the entrepreneur field and why only 37 percent of entrepreneurs are female. She also exchanged with THWS alumnae who have successfully implemented their business ideas.

Download the transcript of the #THWSPodcast as PDF

Link to the article


Published on 18 June 2024