Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Cycling infrastructure in Würzburg: projects at THWS


 © Sebastian Strauß

Sebastian Strauß

Torsten Staab, Laura Pressel, and
Professor Dr. Nicholas Müller



German audio file of the podcast episode titled "Cycling infrastructure in Würzburg: projects at THWS"

It is a daily scenario on German roads. Cyclists weave their way through the busy city streets. Cars parked on the right-hand side, vehicles driving on the left-hand side. There is honking and swearing. Two research projects at THWS focus on cycling mobility and potential improvements to the cycling infrastructure. A podcast by Trade Journalism student Sebastian Strauß.

Download the transcript of the #THWSPodcast as PDF

Link to the article


Published on 10 June 2024