Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

EntrepreneurSHIP project: A journey ends

The EntrepreneurSHIP@THWS project ended in June 2024. The future support for founders at THWS

 © THWS/Tobias Hestner

From 2019 to 2024, the EntrepreneurSHIP project at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS) sensitised and supported students on their paths to self-employment. The programme, which was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), ended mid-2024. What will the support for founders at THWS will look like in future?

Published on 30 August 2024

Promoting innovative potentials and supporting students in founding: These were the objectives of the EntrepreneurSHIP project. SHIP stands for sensitising and heightening of innovative potentials. The project is deeply rooted in THWS history. "Generally, two levers are to be mentioned in this regard. First, THWS has been committed to founding support for many years and to mutual promotion of the founding culture in Main Franconia with many partner institutions – my colleagues Ulrike Machalett-Gehring and Monika Waschik did pioneering work," explains Dr. Felix Liedel, research associate at the Campus for Applied Research at THWS. Another decisive impulse came in 2019 when the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs started the funding programme "EXIST Potentials for Higher Education Institutions". After successful application for "EntrepreneurSHIP", THWS could sensitise students more distinctively for technology- and knowledge-based founding projects.

The EntrepreneurSHIP team: (from left to right) Dr. Felix Liedel, Ulrike Machalett-Gehring, and Monika Waschik (© THWS/Felix Liedel)

Prior to EntrepreneurSHIP: First approaches towards founding support

Already prior to EntrepreneurSHIP, THWS offered active support to founders. Monika Waschik, research associate at the Campus for Applied Research, remembers: "Prior to EntrepreneurSHIP, there were different approaches to support founders. First, the focus was on support with applications for EXIST- or FLÜGGE-scholarships and individual advisory offers." Networking and projects like BEST-FIT PIONIER complemented the activities and yielded event formats like the "Campus Startup Night" or the "Summer School". Finally, EntrepreneurSHIP wove all these approached together to one all-encompassing overall concept.

Quote by Monika Waschik: "Prior to EntrepreneurSHIP, there were different approaches to support founders."

Support on many levels

EntrepreneurSHIP followed a multi-perspective approach, said Dr. Felix Liedel. Many students first got into contact with the project's topic in lectures. General elective modules (AWPF) were offered regularly that enabled students to become self-employed and entrepreneurs. To facilitate access different measures were taken, like the organisation of networking events, the establishment of open consultation hours, and the introduction of creative formats like the "Startup Slam".

Creative minds at work: Participants of the "Startup Competition" in Lohr (© THWS/Felix Liedel)

Successful start-ups and examples

The support by EntrepreneurSHIP led to numerous successful start-ups. Many students and alumni could develop and implement their ideas and projects through the projects which contributed to a flourishing founding culture at THWS. Monika Waschik emphasises: "The idea for the outdoor gym Matory emerged in one of our general electives 'Gründen@THWS'. The idea was then honed during meetings at THWS and in workshops of the network so that it could be directly implemented." Another successful example is the tech company WeSort.AI, which received FLÜGGE-funding and continues to be successful.

Challenges and adaptations

The implementation did not always go smoothly. Dr. Liedel explains: "It was always our goal to provide a broad spectrum of offers for all THWS students. However, we learnt that some students in certain degree programmes did not feel addressed by the traditional language and terminology in the start-up environment." To counter this, the programme was extended to also attract students of degree programmes other than business administration and thus enable the participation of more students from various fields.

Quote by Dr. Christian Lengl: "This winter semester we will introduce our new highly fascinating bridging studies."

THWS' support for founders in future

The end of EntrepreneurSHIP brings forward the question of the future support for founders at THWS. Dr. Christian Lengl, Head of the Campus for Applied Research, optimistically sketches the future developments: "This winter semester we will introduce our new, highly fascinating bridging studies. It offers people with higher education entrance qualification who are at different stages of their lives the opportunity to further develop their own project ideas in a period of one to two semesters." In addition to these studies, the certificate programme ZENTRIA for highly innovative start-up projects, which is offered in cooperation with the University of Würzburg and Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences, will start next year. As the new Vice President for Research and Entrepreneurship, Professor Dr. Jan Schmitt completes the team of experts. These new initiatives highlight THWS' commitment to promoting business ideas and innovations beyond the end of EntrepreneurSHIP.

Networking as a success factor

One key essential for EntrepreneurSHIP's success was networking with other institutions and companies. Monika Waschik emphasises: "THWS is an established and valued member of a broad start-up ecosystem in Main Franconia." This close network will be promoted further through new cooperations that are already in planning. One example for this is the intended mutual open start-up advice sessions together with the University of Würzburg and the start-up centres of the region. This enhanced cooperation does not only strengthen the network offering support for founders but also facilitates access to resources and expert knowledge for future entrepreneurs. Through this, THWS emphasises the long-term orientation towards sustainable support for start-up activities and innovations in the region.

Quote by Monika Waschik: "THWS is an established and valued member of a broad start-up ecosystem in Main Franconia."

Trends and developments

It is essential that future founders consider current trends like digitalisation and sustainability. Dr. Felix Liedel emphasises: "In the ZENTRIA certificate programme, which will start soon, trend analysis will be an integral part of the syllabus." That way, THWS ensures that founders do not only develop innovative ideas but that they also understand current trends and consider them in their strategies. THWS' practice-oriented support for future founders specifically prepares them for the requirements of the modern market.

Continued support after EntrepreneurSHIP

THWS' support for founders will continue and will be developed. "Existing offers like 'Gründen@THWS' will be implemented in the bridging studies and will thus still be available to students," Dr. Christian Lengl emphasises. New programmes like ZENTRIA will further support innovative start-up ideas and promote the start-up culture at THWS. So, THWS is continuing on its course even after the end of EntrepreneurSHIP by introducing new programmes and strengthening its network. This ensures permanent and effective support for future entrepreneurs who will receive continued support on their paths towards promoting innovation and self-employment. While the journey of EntrepreneurSHIP ends, there is a clear direction towards promoting innovation and entrepreneurship.

Funding programme EXIST-Potentials:

A funding programme targeted at recognising and promoting the entrepreneurial potential von of students, alumni, and academics. It supports the implementation of promising founding projects through advice, qualification, and financing.

EXIST- or FLÜGGE-scholarship:

These scholarship programmes offer financial support für start-up projects. The EXIST-scholarship is aimed at graduates and academics while the FLÜGGE-scholarship is conceptualised for students in particular. Both programmes are supposed to facilitate students‘ path towards self-employment.

Bridging studies:

A programme that offers persons with higher education entrance qualification at different stages in their lives the opportunity to develop their own project ideas over a period of one to two semesters. It serves as a type of "bridge" between studies and the practical implementation of ideas and innovations.

Certificate studies ZENTRIA:

A specialised study programme that is offered in cooperation with other education institutions like the Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg and Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences. ZENTRIA focuses on highly innovative start-up projects and offers specific courses and resources for prospective founders to develop and implement their ideas.

An article by
Hannah Schweser