Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Tangible science

During the Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) in Schweinfurt, THWS showed what it has to offer

 © Oliver Giel

On 26 April 2024, the Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) took place in Schweinfurt. Numerous curious visitors came to the event to participate in the diverse offers of multiple informative events, experiments, workshops, and campus and lab tours. But what was actually behind this event?

Published on 16 May 2024

The parking at Campus Ignaz Schön was crowded. The flags in front of the building are swaying in the breeze, from the building you can hear a gently murmur. Inside the building, the murmur turns into a buzz, the smell of popcorn fills the air. It is Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day).

From idea to event

During a shared lunch break in autumn 2023, the initial idea arose to create an open day in Schweinfurt. "We want to make THWS and our offers visible to the public, and thus sustainably increase the number of students at THWS," said Jan Hofmann, degree programme assistant at the Faculty of Business and Engineering, who was in charge of marketing the event.

Four faculties are located in Schweinfurt: The faculty of Applied Natural Sciences and Humanities (FANG), the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FE), the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FM), and the Faculty of Business and Engineering (FWI). These faculties shared the tasks at hand. FANG took charge of catering, FE was responsible for obtaining permissions, FM was in charge of administration and organisation, and FWI took care of marketing. Weekly appointments were scheduled with the organisation team.

Collage: Helping hands of the Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) 2024.
Numerous helping hands made the Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) a wide success. Mainly responsible for organisation (from top left to bottom right): Nadine Treadway (FM), Jan Hofmann (FWI), Professor Dr.-Ing. Daniel Hofer (FM), Professor Dr. Markus Mathes (FE), Professor Dr. Udo Müller (FM), Dean Professor Dr. Johannes Paulus (FM), Dean Professor Dr. Peter Meyer (FWI), Dean Professor Dr. Jochen Seufert (FANG), Dean Professor Dr. Martin Spiertz (FE) (© Oliver Giel, Lucia Placios, Photo-Proßwitz, THWS, Oliver Giel, Oliver Giel, THWS/Simone Friese, Stefan Bausewein, THWS/Martin Spiertz, Montage THWS/Sabine Manger)

Of course, such an event does not plan itself. "One of the main challenges is to find the capacity for organising and implementing such a large event," Hofmann explains. In addition to these additional tasks arising from planning the event, the people involved still had their regular THWS responsibilities. However, close cooperation, efficient work, and reliable implementation by all parties involved made tackling these extra tasks possible.

The name for the event was also found together. "While brainstorming in the big organisation round with the deans of all Schweinfurt-based faculties, we decided on the title 'Tag der Wissenschaft' (Science Day)," explains Nadine Treadway, member of the Dean’s office of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and in charge of organisational tasks.

More than just a student information event

The mutual objective of the Schweinfurt faculties: raising prospective students' enthusiasm for studies at THWS. The Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) however, was more than just a student information event. "We offer tangible science," as Jan Hofmann says himself. Not only was the Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) addressed at prospective students but also to "curious visitors who have a general interest in THWS, pupils, but also locals," Treadway explains. "We just want to open up THWS to everyone!" During the planning phase, the team estimated 1,500 visitors to come.

Quote by Jan Hofmann: "We offer tangible science."
Quote by Nadine Treadway: "We just want to open up THWS to everyone!"

The right fit for everyone

The programme at the Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) is just as diverse as the audience. It was available online via the website in order to be able to react to short-term programme changes. On site, there were signs, a site plan, employees were waiting to help visitors find their way, and students were offering guided campus tours.

The programme was extensive: "Science includes research, development, and also teaching," explained Professor Dr. Udo Müller from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. There are numerous information events regarding degree programmes that directly address prospective students. Companies, acting as practice partners for dual cooperative study programmes, were also present with information stands and were keen to meet potential students. There were numerous presentations covering various fields: "Hydrogen Technology. A way to save the climate?" (German offer); "How does one make money with mathematics?" (German offer); "Making the right choice" (German offer). "We want to meet as may different interests with our programme as possible," Treadway explained. In addition, there were lab tours, workshops, and experiments from different specialisation areas. "Robot-assisted voice-driven board game for elderly and severely disabled people" (German offer); "Introduction and treasure hunt in the library" (German offer); "A diagnostic look into the body" (German offer); and many more. Some points were offered several times that evening, some only once. Some attractions you just stumbled across while exploring the buildings. As it was the case with the dog-like robot "Spot", or the humanoid "Pepper".

Photo taken in the Rundbau (circular building): The BlueBikeBox-team of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering poses with Sven Schmelzing of the company SRAM and Professor Dr. Udo Müller of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the Rundbau at THWS in Schweinfurt.
Jannik Frey and Hendrik Butzert (first and third from the left) of the BlueBikeBox-team of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sven Schmelzing of the company SRAM (second from the left) and Professor Dr. Udo Müller of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (© Oliver Giel)

The team also organised several food and drink options. The Mensa (canteen) was open until 20:00, there were ice cream carts and cocktail carts at both sites. Popcorn and candyfloss were available for free.

Spread the word - advertising for TDW

The decisive factor for this broad event's success target group-specific advertising. Flyers, posters, mailing, reels and social media posts, newspaper ads, and references on the THWS homepage. Every THWS channel was being tapped, as well as the local media. Thus, the Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) was being advertised in municipal magazines, on the radio, and in the local newspaper Mainpost.

At the THWS-locations, employees advertised the TDW. Schools from the area were also being informed. "The Department of Public Affairs and Communications supported us in establishing contact with the schools where we then distributed posters and flyers," Nadine Treadway says. Pupils' parents were also contacted via apps like the Schulmanager.

The Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) – a complete success

"A lot of very interested people have come," concluded Gerald Barthelmes, employee of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, who operated "Spot" that day. "Children in particular enjoy such attractions like Spot and Pepper," he said and laughed. He kept being surrounded by children who watched the robot animal enthusiastically.

Photo: Gerald Barthelmes with robodog "Spot".
Gerald Barthelmes with robodog "Spot" (© Saskia Stobbe)
Quote by Gerald Barthelmes: "A lot of very interested people have come."
Photo: Nadine Treadway, President Professor Dr. Jean Meyer, Professor Dr. Johannes Paulus, and Simone Schreiber.
Proud of a successful event: (From right to left) Nadine Treadway of the dean’s office of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, THWS President Professor Dr. Jean Meyer, Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Professor Dr. Johannes Paulus, and Simone Schreiber of the dean’s office of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (© Oliver Giel)
Quote by President Professor Dr. Jean Meyer: "The Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) was successful in every way. It calls for a timely repetition!"

Hundreds of visitors came to THWS - the THWS staff handed out 1,500 site plans, while the Mensa was able to sell up to 800 curry sausages. "The efforts were more than worth it," concluded THWS President Professor Dr. Jean Meyer. "The Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day) was successful in every way. It calls for a timely repetition!"

Photo: Professor Dr. Martin Spiertz, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (in the front), and Hilmar Endres, research associate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (in the back), seen from a room that was noise-proofed for experimental and measuring purposes
Professor Dr. Martin Spiertz, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (in the front), and Hilmar Endres, research associate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (in the back), seen from a room that was noise-proofed for experimental and measuring purposes (© Oliver Giel)
Photo: The hydrogen-powered light aircraft Taifun 17 H₂.
Photo: The hydrogen-powered light aircraft Taifun 17 H₂ (© Oliver Giel)
Photo: Robot assistant "Pepper" called for interaction.
Photo: Robot assistant "Pepper" called for interaction (© Oliver Giel)
Photo: Popcorn and candyfloss were especially popular among younger visitors.
Popcorn and candyfloss were especially popular among younger visitors (© Oliver Giel)
Photo: Sound jungle: An immersive, visual-acoustic voyage through the so-called CAVE in the MAVEL-Lab as demo for the Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day). MAVEL stands for Mixed Augmented Virtual Experience Learning Lab.
Sound jungle: An immersive, visual-acoustic voyage through the so-called CAVE in the MAVEL-Lab as demo for the Tag der Wissenschaft (Science Day). MAVEL stands for Mixed Augmented Virtual Experience Learning Lab (© Oliver Giel)
Photo: Professor Dr. Markus Zink during a presentation in the High-Voltage Lab.
Photo: Professor Dr. Markus Zink during a presentation in the High-Voltage Lab (© Oliver Giel)
Professor Dr. Mercedes Herranz Gracia of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (on the right) showed THWS visitors of all ages her area of expertise, electrical machines.
Professor Dr. Mercedes Herranz Gracia of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (on the right) showed THWS visitors of all ages her area of expertise, electrical machines (© Oliver Giel)
Photo: Students answered questions at the info point and offered campus tours.
Photo: Students answered questions at the info point and offered campus tours (© Oliver Giel)

To the press release "Tag der Wissenschaft 2024"

By Saskia Stobbe