Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Sustainable Energy Systems: A mix of electrical engineering, business and engineering, and natural sciences

Start of a bachelor's degree programme uniting three disciplines

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It took more than two years to conceptualise the new bachelor's degree programme Sustainable Energy Systems. It eventually started with 16 students in the winter semester 2023/24. About a degree programme including elements of electrical engineering, economics, law, and the natural sciences.

Published on 15 July 2024

A reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy supply is one of the most pressing problems facing our society. It is all the more important that engineers are educated not only in the field of engineering but also in economics, law, and the natural sciences. After all, knowledge of electrical energy technology alone does no longer meet today's practical requirements. In addition, an understanding of economic and physical aspects is required. This is where the new bachelor's programme Sustainable Energy Systems at THWS comes in. "The topic of sustainable energy systems is socially highly relevant and urgent. The economy's need for qualified professionals is extremely high," says programme director Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus H. Zink. However, THWS does not only promote teaching through this new programme. With it, THWS is expanding its research efforts of energy technology and energy efficiency towards sustainability.

Quote by Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus H. Zink: "The topic of sustainable energy systems is socially highly relevant and urgent. The economy’s need for qualified professionals is extremely high."
Picture: Programme director Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus H. Zink
Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus H. Zink acts as programme director of the new bachelor's degree programme Sustainable Energy Systems (© Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus H. Zink)

Hightech Agenda Bavaria as cornerstone

When the Hightech Agenda Bavaria started in 2019, the corner stone for the new degree programme Sustainable Energy Systems was laid. For through the funding initiative of the Free State of Bavaria nine new professorships could be created in the field of sustainable energy systems - three at each of the involved faculties. "The degree programme Sustainable Energy Systems is jointly offered by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, the Faculty of Business and Engineering, and the Faculty of Applied Natural Sciences," explains Professor Dr.-Ing. Zink. The degree programme is carried by the Faculty of Business and Engineering. The close cooperation in the "Center for Sustainable Energy Systems"(CENSEY) allows the professors to cooperate across faculties. The creation of the new professorships gave rise to the idea of a new degree programme in the field of sustainable energy systems. "As every professor here at THWS also has to reflect their area of research in teaching, it naturally called for the creation of a new degree programme," explains Professor Dr.-Ing. Zink. Since spring 2021, the seven-strong team around programme director Professor Dr.-Ing. Zink has been developing the basic concept of the degree programme with the aim of optimally linking the three different faculties.

The organisation of teaching proved to be a challenge. In order to be able to present the new programme, the existing portfolio of the three participating faculties was used and synergies with other degree programmes were exploited. Students of the new degree programme Sustainable Energy Systems attend some of the lectures attended by students of the degree programmes Electrical Engineering, Business and Engineering, or Applied Mathematics. Synchronising the different schedules was not an easy task. Nonetheless, the conceptualisation phase was consistently positive: "The cooperation with the other faculties proved to be extremely constructive. We always worked as a team and pulled together," Professor Dr.-Ing. Zink emphasises.

Quote by Florian Sauer: "So far, I like the mix of disciplines best. That way, I do not only learn about traditional engineering contents but also about the business aspects."

Thematic diversity and interdisciplinarity

The special feature of the engineering degree programme - the mixture of electrical engineering, economics and law as well as the natural sciences - is well received by the students. "So far, I like the mix of disciplines best. That way, I do not only learn about traditional engineering contents but also about the business aspects," enthuses student Florian Sauer. "I can definitely recommend the degree programme."

The interdisciplinary programme consists of six theoretical semesters and one internship semester. In the first two semesters, students learn the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, electrical engineering, and business administration. After two semesters of basic studies, the specialisation follows. In addition to core modules from the fields of electrical engineering, economics, law, and the natural sciences, students can choose their own focus areas through elective modules in the fifth and seventh semester. "We teach our students exactly what they will need later on to work with our industrial partners in the context of sustainable energy systems," emphasises Professor Dr.-Ing. Zink. A mobility window allows students to leave THWS from the fifth semester to complete their studies at another higher education institution or abroad.

Quote by Professor Dr.-Ing. Markus H. Zink: "We teach our students exactly what they will need later on to work with our industrial partners in the context of sustainable energy systems."

Future students should above all have an interest in technology and energy systems as well as an understanding of natural sciences and maths. "If you already struggled with maths, physics, and chemistry at school, this is probably not the right degree course for you", Sauer notes. Special previous knowledge, on the other hand, was not required. Of course, some students would have a slight advantage in the first two semesters if they had previous knowledge. Yet, the programme director considers the personal motivation of students more important: "The be-all and end-all is the desire to work in the field of sustainable energy supply. Everything else will then fall into place."

[Translate to Englisch:]

Eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten

Der Weg nach dem Studium kann höchst individuell gewählt werden. Neben der Option, einen Master im Bereich der nachhaltigen Energiesysteme anzuschließen, bietet sich auch die Möglichkeit einer Spezialisierung durch bereits vorhandene Masterstudiengänge der THWS. Dabei ist der Masterstudiengang Elektro- und Informationstechnik ebenso möglich wie der Masterstudiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Zink stellt jedoch klar: „Wir haben den Studiengang so aufgebaut, dass wir mit dem siebensemestrigen Bachelorstudiengang berufsqualifizierend sind. Das heißt, ein zusätzliches Masterstudium ist nicht zwingend nötig. Nach sieben Semestern Bachelorstudium sind unsere Absolventen optimal auf das Berufsleben vorbereitet.“

Picture: Florian Sauer
Florian Sauer is among the first 16 students of the new bachelor's degree programme Sustainable Energy Systems (© Irmtraud Sauer)

Students who want to start their working life straight after completing their bachelor's degree, can currently expect very good employment opportunities both regionally and nationally. "Our graduates can choose freely where they want to work after completing their studies. Everyone can find a suitable position. Also in the region," Professor Dr.-Ing. Zink ensures. There was no one traditional profession. Students rather had to decide for themselves where they would like to work later on. Everything was possible from small and medium-sized companies to the public sector and major industrial companies.

Student Florian Sauer also looks to the future with optimism. Companies had already asked when he and his fellow students would complete their studies. In the long term, he plans to become self-employed: "After my bachelor’s, I would like to start my own company that plans holistic energy system solutions for rural areas." Prior to that he could imagine completing a master's degree or gaining job experience in an engineering firm or a large company.

 © Muhammad

New bachelor's degree programmes at the Technical University of Applied Sciences in winter semester 2023/24:

• Applied Mathematics
• Civil Engineering – Digital Design and Construction
• Digital Societies
• Digital Rescue Management
• Information Security
• Sustainable Energy Systems



Sticker Spotlight on Green: Sustainability at THWS

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